My husband Sebby makes a lot of food. My husband Sebby makes food a lot. My husband Sebby makes good food. My husband Sebby makes a lot of good food a lot of the time. That means I have to not eat a lot of good food a lot of the time. Just some of the time. Ok, most of the time:o) These good foods range in complexity and flavor and temperment and provide a tasty parade across my plate and palate! Lately Sebby has been doing a lot of baking. Here are the things he's baked during the week:
In order of appearance:
We first have the most chocolatey cookies ever. They have a nice crunch on the outside, but the chew that you expect to experience in your favorite bar of dark chocolate. Smooth bites of generous chocolate chips meet you in every bite, and the middle bite of the cookie is moist and leaves chocolate smeared in the corners of your lips. YUM!
Then we have whole wheat flax seed bread. The sweet little flax seeds dance along the beautiful swirl in the middle of the loaf that is characteristic of a well turned bit of bread. A yeasty zing is the high note that subtly plays above the nutty and earthy lows from the whole wheat and flax. The texture of this combo de la terra is is surprisingly light and not dense in any way, but moist and slightly chewy from our flaxy friends.
Next, FRENCH! Oh the crackly goodness! It was all I could do to keep from tearing a hunk off of the steaming loaf as it came out of the oven. A watched loaf of bread never boils, but it does sing! A happy little whispered dance of krinkles and crackles greet your smiles as you cozy up to it. Those wrinkles are telltale of a delicate crispy crust that flakes most deliciously as you take your first bite, yielding the chewy, sweet, tangy center. Mmmmmm!
We can't neglect to mention the most lovable burger buns in the world, especially since they were the inspiration for this delectable episode! I fell for these beauties the moment I saw them tucked in for their rising! The sweetest little pillows of dough you ever saw! I patted them on their tummies and gave them encouraging words as they puffed up in response to my loving silly banter:o) Then they baked! And oooohhhh! They were so golden! So be-speckled with sesame seeds! So plump! The outsides were as soft as flower petals and the inside was soft and sweet, so tender, and oh so good with all the fixin's! Mixed baby greens, a mess of BBQ sauce and pepper jack cheese, tomatoes fresh and sunwarmed from the garden, and one of Sebby's black bean burgers plopped in the middle. Ahhh, what a toothsome burger!
Since I DO make stuff myself sometimes and I want you to be proud of me, look what I made:
Chocolate chip meringues that are all airy crunch on the outside and sticky gooey on the inside,
Yes, I take credit for him! Fluffy and pudgy...isn't he tasty looking!? Happy eating my friend! I wonder what you'll find to nibble on downstairs...