Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dancing With The Geriatrics

Today's blog stars Grandpa Frank Nava. Apparently, Grandpa loooooves to watch Dancing With The Stars! Eighty-year-old Grandpa who normally goes to bed around 7 has to stay up until the show starts at 9 and continue staying up until it's over at 10:30. Thanks to Dancing With The Stars I get to have a grandpa that knows who Lil' Kim is. Thanks to Dancing With The Stars I get to have a grandpa that tells us about the various accidental boob-grabs on the show. I have much that I owe to Dancing With The Stars!

Another recent remarkability regards our front door window. This window is a medium for various love notes that I have penned in Crayola Window Markers. I just received a message of my own for the very first time this week!

It's very awesome!


  1. I want to go live in that little smiley house and be safe from the world and all it's troubles!

  2. The only brown thing that I view on Hellboy's belt is the gun holster. Is that what you speak of, missy?

    I'm going to Oregon for a few days. I don't know if I told you that, missy.
